Mar 6


12:00pm to 1:30pm

Texas Woman's University Dallas Leadership Award

Texas Woman’s University will present the 2025 Virginia Chandler Dykes Leadership Award to Nicole Small at the Dallas Leadership Luncheon, set for Thurs., Mar....

8:00pm to 11:00pm Recurring Event

Trivia Thursdays at Sheraton Dallas Hotel

Trivia Thursdays are held every Thursday in Draft Sports Bar & Lounge in Sheraton Dallas Hotel at 8pm hosted by the Dallas Trivia Guy. Parking validation...
Mar 10


5:00pm to 6:00pm Recurring Event

Mixology Mondays at The Parlor

Mixology Mondays classes are hosted weekly at The Parlor , inside Sheraton Dallas , from 5-6pm. The cocktail featured varies weekly and reservations are...
Mar 20


7:30pm to 9:30pm

Sammons Cabaret: Sheran Goodspeed Keyton

Lean in and lend your ear, as Sammons Cabaret prepares for an evening of spellbinding and rewinding with the captivating Sheran Goodspeed Keyton and her...
Apr 1


All Day Recurring Event

Southfork Trade Days! Outdoor market

Southfork Ranch, made famous by the show, DALLAS, in the 80's is hosting a monthly outdoor Trade Days market . You find all kinds of one-of-a-kind items, such...
Apr 2


7:30pm to 9:30pm

Sammons Jazz: Lonestar Grooves

The Fisher Trio is a jazz trio led by bassist Jonathan Fisher featuring the double bass at the head of the bandstand. A master of many styles and a fixture of...
Apr 3


6:00pm to 10:00pm

VNA's Celebrity Chef Event with Lisa & Tom Perini

Join the Visiting Nurse Association for our 15th Annual Celebrity Chef Event featuring Lisa and Tom Perini of @periniranch in Buffalo Gap, TX! The Perinis...
Apr 6


11:00am to 2:00pm Recurring Event

Low cost pet vaccination clinic

AAT is happy to be holding low cost pet vaccination clinics on the first Sunday and third Saturday of the month at our storefront; located at 3630 N. Shiloh...

11:00am to 2:00pm Recurring Event

Low cost pet vaccination clinic

Join us for our monthly low cost pet vaccination clinic. All annual shots, rabies vaccine, dog, cat, puppy and kitten packages, microchips, and heartworm tests...
Apr 12


All Day Runs until Wed 4/16/25

Spring Native Plant Sale

The 36th Annual Spring Native Plant Sale fundraiser at Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary will feature a huge selection of native plants,...
Timezone: CST