Texas ChalleNGe Academy is a youth education program of the Texas National Guard. TCA offers a unique opportunity for young men and women 16-18 years old who are not finding success in a more traditional setting. The program is voluntary and funded by the National Guard; there are no tuition/fees! During their time at TCA, students may earn their high school diplomas, GED's, or recover credits and return to their home campuses on track. They will also participate in physical fitness training, life skills development, service to the community, and more! TCA operates two cycles per year (Jan and July start dates) and applications are considered on a first come, first served basis. TCA offers a life-changing alternative to young people who have dropped out of school or are at risk of doing so. If you feel like it may be a good fit for someone you know, please visit our website at www.texaschallengeacademy.com
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