Garland BubbleLife -
We Asked, You Voted: This Is Garland's Favorite Fitness Center

A few weeks ago, we asked our Garland BubbleLife members to name their favorite fitness centers. People submitted yoga studios, gyms, dance facilities, and more. Today, we're announcing the submission that received the most votes. 

And the winner is... Nutrition With a Twist with a staggering 93 percent of the vote! Congrats to all the nominees and our exciting winner. If you're searching for a fitness camp that's full of encouragement and positivity, look no further. This center will push you while still perpetuating a happy, healthy environment. Enjoy a nutritional shake or tea, then ask about their amazing fitness camps. 

To learn more, visit the Nutrition With a Twist Facebook page. Thanks for voting, everyone! 

Monday, 22 January 2018